NICAS Accredited Centres

At NICAS, we understand the importance of providing a safe and enriching environment for individuals keen on exploring the world of climbing. That’s why we’re proud of our network of accredited centres across the UK and abroad, offering four distinct schemes: Wild Climbers, NICAS Clip, NICAS Climbing, and NICAS Bouldering.

Why choose a NICAS accredited centre?

Peace of mind for parents

Enrolling your child on a NICAS scheme offers peace of mind and confidence. Our rigorous application process ensures that accredited centres meet stringent standards for safety, coaching quality, and safeguarding.

Committed to safety

While climbing inherently involves risk, NICAS schemes provide learners with a clear pathway to acquiring safety knowledge and technical skills essential for identifying and managing risks. Our assessment standards prioritise safety awareness and responsible climbing behavior, ensuring learners progress only when coaches are confident in their abilities.

Quality coaching

At NICAS, we’re dedicated to developing climbers through quality coaching. Our accredited centres adhere to defined levels of training for NICAS coaches, guaranteeing that sessions not only enhance technical skills but also inspire learners to achieve their full potential.


NICAS collaborates closely with industry partners to implement robust safeguarding policies and procedures at accredited centres, ensuring the safety and well-being of participants of all ages.

Nationwide standards

Our standardised course contents ensure consistency and quality across all NICAS schemes, regardless of location. Behind the scenes, stringent quality control measures uphold the relevance and excellence of our programs, from staff training to syllabus review.

Transfer to another centre

Should you relocate, or fancy a change, rest assured that your child’s NICAS record and achievements are fully transferable to another accredited centre. Our independent scheme content ensures continuity and consistency, regardless of geographical location.