NICAS Wild Climbers

NICAS Wild Climbers paw print logo

NICAS Wild Climbers offers climbing skills for all, from age 3 and upwards. It’s a fun, game orientated programme that aims to introduce climbers safely into the indoor climbing environment, developing their awareness of climbing movements, improving confidence and creating a grassroots pathway into additional climbing activities. Wild Climbers is a programme that is designed to be inclusive and accessible for all.

NICAS Wild Climbers meets the 3 key learning areas of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) which is the precursor to Key Stage 1, and includes Communication, Physical Development, and Social & Emotional Development.

Additionally, the NICAS Wild Climbers resources encourage inclusivity for all participants, including climbers with additional needs. The programme allows six skill areas to be individualised when setting personal goals.

Info for parents

The easiest way to find out more about Wild Climbers, including the aims and learning outcomes, is to have a look through our handbook:

Find your nearest Wild Climbers centre

Info for centres

If your centre is already accredited for NICAS Climbing or NICAS Bouldering, the Course Director plus any Assistant Course Directors need to complete an induction for Wild Climbers led by the NICAS Coach Development Team.

If your centre is not accredited for NICAS Climbing or NICAS Bouldering, you will need to book a Wild Climbers workshop. We can offer a full-day bespoke Wild Climbers workshop at your centre, including all necessary inductions as well as working through the games that bring Wild Climbers to life, for £250+VAT. Workshops usually run from 10am to 4pm and can cater for up to 9 participants. Please contact NICAS to organise a Wild Climbers workshop and check available training dates.

A group of young climbers having fun at the wall and a girl about to give a high five to an instructor