Access free resources and online training from Play Their Way, ICOACHKIDS, and the Youth Sport Trust. If your participants aren’t having fun and don’t feel welcome or empowered in their own sporting journey, then they may stop climbing. This may mean stopping all physical activity for that child and that would be a huge shame. These organisations give useful information about how to keep young people engaged and having fun – and coming back!

Play Their Way

Play Their Way aims to kick-start a movement of child-first coaches, organisations and people changing the game from the ground up. Their goal is for all children and young people (regardless of age, background or ability) to have a voice, choice and decide their journey when participating in sport and physical activity, so they develop a genuine and lifelong love for being active.

Sport England Active Lives Survey Stats. 47% of children who do exercise say they strongly agree that they enjoy it.

A child’s sporting experience can impact their relationship with sport and activity for life, negatively or positively. Sector research shows that not enough children are having good experiences. It’s holding them back from playing, exercising and enjoying sports.

The Children’s Coaching Collaborative (the group who set up Play Their Way) believe that child-first coaches are the key to unlocking those positive experiences – and transforming children and young people’s lives for good.

If you would like to access some tips and resources that have been created by the team at Play Their Way then please do visit their coaching resources. We have selected an example of one of their downloads, to give you a feel for what is on offer. Also, check out a recent article about empowering girls in Sport.

ICOACHKIDS free online learning

ICOACHKIDS has a vision of a world where every child has access to positive sport experiences that foster a love for sport, play and physical activity.

ICOACHKIDS Essentials is a free online course that will provide you with a fundamental understanding of coaching kids. Estimated completion time: 1 hour.

Youth Sport Trust

The Youth Sport Trust is the leading UK children’s charity for improving young people’s health and wellbeing through sport and play. They offer a number of free resources for coaches to help with running sessions for young people which can be accessed here including Autism, inclusion, ethnicity and faith resources.